Link to the Homepage: Algorithms and Data Structures
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Aho, Alfred V.; Hopcroft, John E. and Ullman, Jeffrey D. The design and analysis of computer algorithms Addison-Wesley 1974 | |
Aho, Alfred V.; Hopcroft, John E. and Ullman, Jeffrey D. Data structures and algorithms Addison Wesley Longman 1999 | |
Ahuja, Ravindra K.; Magnanti, Thomas L. and Orlin, James B. Network flows: Theory, algorithms, and applications Prentice Hall 1993 | |
de Berg, Mark; van Kreveld, Marc; Overmars, Mark and Schwartzkopf, Otfried Computational geometry: Algorithms and applications Springer 2008 | |
Boissonnat, Jean Daniel and Yvinec, Mariette Algorithmic geometry Cambridge University Press 1998 | |
Cormen, Thomas H.; Leiserson, Charles, E.; Rivest, Ronald L. and Stein, Clifford Introduction to algorithms MIT 2022 | |
Crochemore, Maxime and Rytter, Wojcieich Text algorithms Oxford Univ. Press 1994 | |
Graham, Ronald L.; Knuth, Donald E. and Patashnik, Oren Concrete mathematics Addison-Wesley 1995 | |
JaJa, Joseph An introduction to parallel algorithms Addison-Wesley 1992 | |
Kleinberg, Jon and Tardos, Eva Algorithm design Addison-Wesley 2006 | |
Klein, Rolf Algorithmische Geometrie Addison-Wesley 1997 | |
Kozen, Dexter C. The design and analysis of algorithms Springer 1992 | |
Leighton, F. Thomson Introduction to parallel algorithms and architectures: Arrays, trees, hypercubes Morgan Kaufmann 1992 | |
Lynch, Nancy A. Distributed algorithms Morgan Kaufmann 1996 | |
Manber, Udi Introduction to algorithms: A creative approach Addison-Wesley 1989 | |
Mehlhorn, Kurt Data structures and algorithms 1: Sorting and searching Springer 1984 | |
Mehlhorn, Kurt Data structures and algorithms 2: Graph algorithms and NP-completeness Springer 1984 | |
Mehlhorn, Kurt Data structures and algorithms 3: Multi-dimensional searching and computational geometry Springer 1984 | |
Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sanders, Peter Algorithms and data structures: The basic toolbox Springer 2008 | |
Mignotte, Maurice Mathematics for computer algebra Springer 1992 | |
Motwani, Rajeev Randomized algorithms Cambridge Univ. Press 2007 | |
Ottmann, Thomas and Widmayer, Peter Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen Springer 2017 | |
Rawlins, Gregory J. E. Compared to what? An introduction to the analysis of algorithms Freeman 1992 | |
Sedgewick, Robert Algorithms in C Addison-Wesley 1990 | |
Sedgewick, Robert and Flajolet, Philippe An introduction to the analysis of algorithms Addison-Wesley 2013 | |
Tarjan, Robert Endre Data structures and network algorithms Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 1983 |