Literature for Semantics

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no image available Abadi, Martin and Cardelli, Luca
A theory of objects
Springer 1996
no image available Abramsky, Samson; Gabbay, Dov M. and Maibaum, T.S.E
Handbook of logic in computer science
Oxford University Press 1995
  • print: ABR s 1995:1 1.Ex
no image available Apt, Krzysztof R. and Olderog, Ernst-Rüdiger
Verification of sequential and concurrent programs
Springer 2009
no image available Baader, Franz and Nipkow, Tobias
Term rewriting and all that
Cambridge University Press 1998
no image available Barendregt, Hendrik P.
The lambda calculus:
Its syntax and semantics

North-Holland 1985
no image available Barendregt, Hendrik P.; Dekkers, Wil and Statman, Rick
Lambda calculus with types
Cambridge Univ. Press 2011
no image available Barr, M. and Wells, C.
Category theory for computing science
Prentice-Hall 1990
  • print: BAR m 1990:1 1.Ex
no image available Bertot, Yves and Casteran, Pierre
Interactive theorem proving and program development
Springer 2004
no image available Castagna, Guiseppe
Object-oriented programming
Birkhäuser 1997
no image available Chandy, K. Mai and Misra, Jayadev
Parallel program design
Addison-Wesley 1988
  • print: ChAN k 1988:1 1.Ex
no image available Crossley, John Newsome
What is mathematical logic?
Oxford University Press 1990
  • print: CRO j2 1990:1 1.Ex
no image available Girard, J.-Y.; Taylor, P. and Lafont, Y.
Proofs and types
Cambridge University Press 1993
  • print: GIR j 1993:1 1.Ex
no image available Gries, David B.
The science of programming
Springer 1981
no image available Gunter, Carl A.
Semantics of programming languages:
Structures and techniques

The MIT Press 1992
  • print: GUN c 1992:1 1.Ex
no image available Gunter, Carl A. and Mitchell, John C.
Theoretical aspects of object-oriented programming
The MIT Press 1994
  • print: GUN c 1994:1 1.Ex
no image available Halmos, P.R.
Naive set theory
Litton Ed. Publ. Inc. 1974
no image available Hankin, Chris
Lambda calculi
Clarendon Press 1994
  • print: HAN ch2 1994:1 1.Ex
no image available Harper, Robert
Practical foundations for programming languages
Cambridge Univ. Press 2013
no image available Hermes, Hans
Aufzählbarkeit, Entscheidbarkeit, Berechenbarkeit:
Einführung in die Theorie der rekursiven Funktionen

Springer 1971
no image available Hindley, James Roger
Basic simple type theory
Cambridge University Press 1997
  • print: HIN j 1997:1 1.Ex
no image available Hindley, James Roger and Seldin, Jonathan
Lambda calculus and combinators:
An introduction

London Mathematical Society 2008
no image available Hoare, C.A.R.
Developments in concurrency and communication
Addison-Wesley 1990
  • print: HOA ch 1990:1 1.Ex
no image available Huet, G.
Logical foundations of functional programming
Addison-Wesley 1990
  • print: HUE g 1990:1 1.Ex
no image available Jones, Neil D.
Computability and complexity from a programming perspective
The MIT Press 1997
no image available Leeuwen, Jan van
Formal models and semantics
The MIT Press 1990
  • print: LEE j2 1990:2 1.Ex
no image available Loeckx, J. and Sieber, K.
The foundations of program verification
Wiley 1987
no image available Milner, Robin
A calculus of communicating systems
Springer 1980
no image available Milner, Robin; Tofte, Mads; Harper, Robert and MacQueen, David
The definition of Standard ML
The MIT Press 1997
no image available Milner, Robin
Communication and concurrency
Prentice-Hall 2006
  • print: MIL r 2006:1 1.Ex
no image available Mitchell, John C.
Foundations for pogramming languages
MIT Press 1996
  • print: MIT j 1996:1 1.Ex
no image available Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis and Hankin, Chris
Principles of program analysis
Springer 2010
no image available Nielson, Hanne Riis and Nielson, Flemming
Semantics with applications:
An appetizer

Springer 2007
no image available Milner, Robin and Tofte, Mads
Commentary on Standard ML
The MIT Press 1991
  • print: P ML 1991:1 1.Ex
no image available Pierce, Benjamin C.
Basic category theory for computer scientists
MIT Press 1993
no image available Pierce, Benjamin C.
Types and programming languages
MIT Press 2002
no image available Pierce, Benjamin C.
Advanced topics in types and programming languages
MIT Press 2005
no image available Schmidt, David A.
The structure of typed programming languages
The MIT Press 1994
  • print: SchMI d2 1994:1 1.Ex
no image available Seldin, Jonathan P. and Hindley, Roger
To H.B. Curry:
Essays on combinatory logic, lambda calculus and formalism

Academic Press 1980
  • print: SEL j 1980:1 1.Ex
no image available Sørensen, Morten Heine and Urzyczyn, Pawel
Lectures on the curry-howard isomorphism
Elsevier 2006
no image available Tennent, R.D.
Semantics of programming languages
Prentice-Hall 1991
  • print: TEN r 1991:1 1.Ex
no image available Winskel, Glynn
The formal semantics of programming languages
The MIT Press 1997