Literature for Inverse Problems in Elasticity

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no image available Ciarlet, Philippe G.
Mathematical elasticity
Volume 1: Three-dimensional elasticity

North-Holland 2004
no image available Engl, Heinz W.; Hanke-Bourgeois, Martin; Neubauer, Andreas
Regularization of inverse problems
Kluwer 2000
  • print: ENG h 2000:1 2.Ex
no image available Kirsch, Andreas
An introduction to the mathematical theory of inverse problems
Springer 2021
no image available Louis, Alfred Karl
Inverse und schlecht gestellte Probleme
Teubner 1989
no image available Marsden, Jerrold E. and Hughes, Thomas J. R.
Mathematical foundations of elasticity
Dover 1994
no image available Richter, Mathias
Inverse problems:
Basics, theory and applications in geophysics

Birkhäuser 2020
no image available Rieder, Andreas
Keine Probleme mit inversen Problemen:
Eine Einführung in ihre stabile Lösung

Vieweg 2003