OA Publishing
Here is the most important information regarding Open Access publications at the Max Planck Society / Saarland University and additional funding opportunities.
Max Planck Society
- PuRe
The Max Planck Society has its own publication repository (PuRe), where publications by MPG members are archived and in part made available to the public free of charge. - Cost Coverage at the MPG
Find information on the coverage or reduction of publication fees (APCs) by the Max Planck Society here. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the library team.
Saarland University
- Universaar
Universaar is the university press of UdS. All publications published through Universaar are made available online free of charge. Additionally, printed copies can be produced for a fee. Find more about Universaar here. - SciDok
UdS has its own publication repository (SciDok), where publications by university members are made accessible to the public free of charge. - Cost Coverage at UdS
Additional Funding
- Horizon Europe
Horizon Europe is one of the most important funding programs of the European Union for scientific research projects. All funding members must ensure that their research results are made publicly accessible as OA publications. Find more information about Horizon Europe here.